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Differentiating rosacea from sensitive skin

Sensitive skin refers to a wide range of conditions, from genetic ailments, such as rosacea and eczema, to severe allergies caused by external factors, like environment or products. While many people can experience skin sensitivity at some point or another, those with persistent issues are classified as having sensitive skin.

A study published in 2019 found overall, ~60–70% of women and 50–60% of men report having some degree of sensitive skin. Out of this group rosacea, which is a chronic inflammatory skin condition, affects over two million Canadians. At first glance, both of these conditions can look alike and have a lot of similarities making it easy to misdiagnose. Giving the fact that 75% of rosacea patients have low self-esteem adversely affecting their everyday life, mental and emotional well-being, it is imperative to be diagnosed, treated and to make the necessary lifestyle changes for this chronic skin condition.

The right skincare makes a noticeable difference in both cases, meaning:

  • Helps your skin feel more comfortable

  • Improves and helps maintain the results you see from an in-spa or in-clinic treatment

  • Boosts your skin’s overall health

  • Reduces the redness flare-ups

Tips on doing it right:

  • Cleanse and pat face gently

  • Moisturize – moisture and moisturize, even if your skin is oily. Moisturizers help trapping water in your skin by avoiding trans-epidermal water loss towards the environment leading to less oil production and eventually stronger skin barrier.

  • Protect your skin from the sun year-round, not just in the summer. UV is one of the most frequent causes of rosacea flare-ups. Wear dermatologically tested (non-irritating), fragrance-free, mineral (zinc-oxide or titanium-dioxide) based sunblock every day and if needed reapply it every 2-3 hours.

  • Use products without alcohol, camphor, fragrance, menthol, or sodium laurel sulfate, to mention couple. When using products with alfa/beta hydroxy acids, or retinol, consult with your aesthetician or dermatologist.