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MicroLaser Peel - Everyhting you need to know about it

What is MicroLaser Peel?

A MicroLaser Peel (MLP) is a quick and effective treatment that uses a laser to address conditions on the top layer of your skin. It is designed to remove a thin layer of damaged skin and by doing so to give a gentle revitalization for the entire skin surface. The end results are improved skin texture + tone and more youthful complexion.

Compared to a chemical peel, it provides superior results because the laser depth can be administered with great precision along with much lower risk of allergic reactions on the skin. If you are familiar with microdermabrasion, one light MLP is roughly equivalent to three (3) microdermabrasions.

How the MicroLaser Peel works?

The laser beam can precisely ablate (vaporize) a very thin layer of the epidermis due to its high water content removing the undesired old, damaged tissue. The laser is, therefore, best-suited for those skin conditions which are superficial in nature. By treating the top layers of the skin this procedure eliminates some of the damaged cells that give skin a dull, tired, aged look. As the skin heals, fresh cells emerge and resurface.

The laser procedure allows for a choice in how gentle or aggressive your laser peel will be. The treatment depth can be set shallower (similar to a glycolic acid peel) or deeper (full resurfacing effect.) Each level provides a different end result, adjustable to fit the lifestyle of your needs and the end desires you wish to achieve.

What can be expected from the treatment?

You will notice a significant and immediate change in skin texture and tightness. Your complexion will be smoother, healthier, and more vibrant.

Who is a candidate for MicroLaser Peel?

This treatment is ideal for clients with little downtime to spare and are customized to their unique skin type and condition.

What area can be treated?

Most skin surfaces can be treated, however the most popular treatment areas include the face, neck, chest and hands.

What concerns can be targeted with MLP?

  • Mild wrinkles

  • Scars

  • Keratosis (irregular skin growths)

  • Sun damage (e.g., age spots, freckles)

  • Pigment irregularities

How often does a MicroLaser Peel need to be done?

Typically, the procedure is repeated 2-4 times, spaced 6-8 weeks apart, but many peels may be done to achieve the desired result.

A package of three to four treatments may be best for you. This will be discussed during your consultation.

What will my treatment look like?

Getting Started

With advanced treatments we highly recommend to have a consultation. It is complimentary and during this time our team member determines a treatment plan for each new client, accounting for the desired outcome and time available for healing. We will discuss pre op precautions, such as stopping retinoids and acid treatments 3 days prior and taking medication if you have a history of fever blisters or cold sores.

What to Expect during your MicroLaser Peel

One of the advantages of MicroLaser Peel is that it causes minimal discomfort for most clients because it does not penetrate very deep into the skin. At its most shallow settings, most people can tolerate treatment with no anesthetic at all, however this varies from client to client. At deeper settings, a topical numbing cream is typically used. The procedure is gentle, non-invasive, and safe.

After cleansing your skin in the treatment area your eyes will be protected with safety goggles. The technician will position the laser hand-piece above the skin and will hold it in place as the computer-guided scanner moves the laser beam around the treatment area. The treatment involves precise removal of the epidermis at a depth predetermined during consultation. Depending on the size of the area being treated, the entire treatment can usually be completed in less than thirty minutes depending on your particular issues.

Patients often describe a slight stinging sensation, like the snapping of a rubber band, in the treated areas. Most individuals find this to be very tolerable. With deeper depths pinpoint bleeding may occur. Your procedure may take a few minutes to half an hour depending on the size of the area to be treated and the type of the procedure performed.

Results can be obtained in just one treatment, however, the number of treatments needed may vary from client to client. Our team of experts can personalize a plan based on your specific needs and may choose/recommend to combine a MicroLaser Peel with other aesthetic procedures to further customize your treatment and provide optimal results.

MicroLaser Peel Recovery Expectations

Immediately after the treatment you will notice that the skin has a “frosty” or dry appearance. This is the dehydrated skin that will peel away within the next few days. You may experience some skin redness and a sunburn sensation, as well as mild swelling. You will be guided on skin care products and on how to use them as part of the treatment. Your skin will be more sensitive to ultra-violet (UV) light after the procedure so you must avoid direct sun exposure until fully healed. It is recommended that you always use a minimum of SPF 30 level of UV protection to avoid sun damage and premature aging of your skin.

Because only the outer layer of skin is treated, most patients notice an obvious improvement in tone, texture and color evenness once the skin heals.

Depending on the depth of treatment, most clients feel comfortable enough to return to work next day or within 3 to 4 days – an attribute that has given rise to the nickname “the weekend peel.

If you are interested in learning more about MicroLaser Peel treatments, please schedule a complimentary consultation with us!