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Hair Loss & Restoration Solutions


Tap into the power of PRP & cocktail infusion to kick start your journey to hair restoration and revitalization.

Hair loss: Men

For men, androgenic alopecia is termed ‘male-pattern baldness’ which is shown in the diagram below:

Hair is lost in a distinct pattern, beginning above both temples. Over time, the hairline recedes to form a “M” shape. The hair at the crown area (top of the head) often progresses to partial or complete baldness. Unlike other areas of the body, the hairs on your scalp grow in clusters of 3–4. In androgenic alopecia, the clusters progressively decrease in hair count. Eventually, when all the hairs in the cluster disappear, the scalp is revealed.

Hair loss: Women

Hair loss affects millions of women every year and it is hard to control/determine the exact cause due to the many factors that can lead to hair loss. Research has shown that certain medications, age, daily habits (hair styling + chemical dyes, extensions, wigs, frequent hair pulling & touching, poor product choices, etc.) hormones and diseases are the biggest culprits behind thinning hair. Whether it be hair thinning or alopecia, stress and diet can contribute to hair loss. In women, the hair becomes thinner all over the head, and the hairline does not recede. Androgenic alopecia in women rarely leads to total baldness.


PRP Hair Restoration Treatment

PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma) therapy is a total game changer for individuals who suffer from hair loss conditions such as alopecia areata (spot baldness) and androgenic alopecia, which is a common form of hair loss in both men and women.

The benefits of PRP are well known and documented in sports medicine, orthopaedics, wound healing, dentistry and plastic surgery. Its usage reaches back to the 1940s and has become somewhat of a buzzword in the aesthetics industry in the last 10+ years. As our experience, hence the scientific data has been accumulating, so too does the popularity of PRP as a standalone and combination treatment. This versatile and low downtime treatment can be used for a broad spectrum of aesthetic indications, from facial + body rejuvenation, scar regeneration and hair loss to vaginal rejuvenation.

Platelets, one of the cellular components of blood besides red and white blood cells, are a natural source of a number of growth factors. Once the platelets enter the tissue, they release these growth factors, activating a variety of intercellular events, mediating angiogenesis (new vascular formation), migration and differentiation of stem cells, new cell proliferation and production of extracellular matrix proteins (collagen, elastin, hyaluronic acids).

It is a three-step medical treatment in which a person’s blood is drawn, processed, and then injected into the scalp:

The benefits of PRP:

The human body is equipped with a complex system for repairing injuries and replacing old and dying tissue. Our blood contains stem cells that can develop into connective tissues as needed, as well as essential and specific growth factors that promote growth, regeneration, and healing. When blood is separated in a centrifuge to isolate platelet-rich plasma (PRP), these factors are present in higher concentrations.

The idea of using PRP to treat hair loss is that the growth-stimulating properties of the plasma may be able to induce activity in previously inactive hair follicles, jump-starting the body’s natural methodology of producing hair.

Meso-Cocktail Hair Restoration Treatment:

Using this game-changing Revitalizing Cocktail, we are able to inject a variety of amazing actives such as Phosphatic acid, Riboflavin (Vitamin B2), Superoxide dismutase and a complex of amino acids to stimulate and correct numerous types of alopecia.

Treats problems such as:

  • Male + female baldness

  • Male frontal-parietal alopecia

  • UV rays, stress, infection, malnutrition induced baldness

Individual results may vary, follow the instructions of your medical skincare expert, consultations is a must before booking a treatment.