skin rejuvenation

Take years off from your face and body with our skin rejuvenation treatments. These non-invasive, safe and effective treatments require no to minimal down-time, and will help you achieve a youthful look.

These treatments can target textural irregularities such as wrinkles, acne scars, benign skin growth, pigmentation (freckles, sunspots, and melasma), and visible blood vessels causing localized or diffuse redness. In addition to these irregularities, the skin loses tone and elasticity over time, which makes it feel less firm, and the healthy glow that is characteristic to younger skin diminishes.

After consultation we choose your treatment(s) with care, and with a frequent synergistic/multi-modality approach to delivering excellent results. Most importantly, you must be committed to protecting and supporting your skin going forward so that the results achieved will be longer lasting.

Multiples sessions are required for optimal results. Individual results may vary. Must book complimentary skin consultation prior to receiving any of these treatments.