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Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) Treatment

Contrary to popular belief, Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) is not a laser. IPL treatment uses a broad spectrum of light with multiple wavelengths (seen individually as different colors) and because of this it “flashes” when it is pulsed to the skin forming a single, white-ish color. Utilizing multiple wavelength makes IPL able to treat multiple concerns (like brown spots, redness and enlarge pores) at the same time and restore a more uniform looking, luminous, and youthful complexion to the skin. The energy used in IPL devices is also not focused, hence weaker than a laser, which makes it again a versatile technology for treating the skin.


What does IPL treat?

IPL is most effective at treating unwanted hair, hyperpigmentation, vascular lesions, diffuse redness, rosacea, freckles and certain types of acne.

Pros of IPL

  • IPL can treat a wider range of skin conditions at the same time than lasers.

  • IPL handpieces have a larger surface area than most lasers, making it more efficient to treat a broader area of skin.

  • IPL recovery is typically faster than laser treatments.

  • IPL treatments tend to be more affordable than laser treatments.

Cons of IPL

  • IPL treatments could be not strong or effective enough in certain cases, meaning lasers might be needed to reach the wanted result.

  • More IPL sessions are needed than laser sessions.

  • IPL is recommended for Fitzpatrick I-III. skintypes and with cautions for Fitzpatrick IV., meaning not effective or safe for treating darker skin tones.

Concerns can be treated with IPL

  • Reduction of uneven pigmentation from broken facial veins and capillaries

  • Treating age spots, sun spots, enlarged pores, acne, and rosacea

  • Reduction of facial fine lines and minor wrinkles

  • Treating sun damaged skin

How it works?

After cleansing and prepping the skin, ultrasound gel is applied to the skin for conductivity and comfort. IPL works by exposing the lesions to short bursts or pulses of visible light. During the phototherapy session, the IPL beam will increase the skin’s temperature in the targeted area and this will damage the cells containing pigment/melanin and/or red/blood. After the controlled injury the body will naturally replace these cells with new ones, restoring a more uniform, youthful looking skin.

What to expect after an IPL session?

There is minimal downtime with no open skin, make-up can be applied right after, and you can carry on your business as usual.

Right after your IPL photo-treatment, your skin may look blotchy, red, a little swollen, and you will start to notice sun spots or pigmentation darkening. It is also common for the skin to feel tight or like you have a mild sunburn. However, you can apply makeup/tinted SPF after this treatment, because there is no open skin! 

Do's and Dont's after an IPL

It is best to always follow your provider’s post care instructions, but in general below are some do’s and dont’s after an IPL:


  • Wear a broad-spectrum sunscreen (min. SPF 30) daily and reapply every 2-3 hours

  • Hydrate and moisturize the skin often

  • Wash your face 2x daily with a gentle cleanser 

  • Be gentle with your skin, overall


  • Apply hot water to the skin

  • Do saunas and pools in the first 3 days or till your skin feels normal

  • Skip out on SPF

  • Use harsh ingredients on the skin like retinols and exfoliants

  • Pick or scratch at your skin

  • Have sun exposure on your face