Hydration is key, no matter what your skin type is


Many of us think that hydration is something that only people with dry or dehydrated skin need to worry about. The truth is, even the lucky ones with normal skin types need hydration to look and feel their best. 

But what, exactly, is hydration? And with so many different products on the market, how can you choose the right one that makes and doesn’t break your skin health? 

To get there and get it right we need to know what your skin lacks the most? Oil, water or both?

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Both the epidermis and dermis need hydration. Products with hyaluronic acid (HA), which retains 1000 times its weight in water, can add a healthy dose of hydration back into the skin. In fact, it is the top ingredient to look for if you’re trying to treat super-thirsty skin. Different molecular weights of HAs are able to hydrate the whole layer of the skin. 


As we age, the skin is less capable of maintaining moisture, and age-related loss of moisture can cause more dryness over time. 

People with oily, acne prone skin are frequently dehydrated for simple reasons like:

  1. Washing the skin too frequently, or using harsh cleansers to make it squeaky clean

  2. Fearing and skipping on any moisturizer, and serum to avoid further breakouts.

The reality is that these acts compromise the barrier function leading to further water loss, more oil production and acne. It’s a vicious cycle, and the only way to break it is to give your skin what it needs: the proper balance of hydration and moisture. Look for light, water-based, non-comedogenic products. If you are a fan of oils, go for grapeseed and hazelnut based oil products that are safe for problematic skin.

Further tips

Apply moisturizer on damp skin to help lock in hydration. The same rule applies to your body when you’re applying any lotion, too. 

Use a thicker moisturizer at night 

Even though you might be shielded from the harsh outdoor climate, heated dry air causes you to naturally lose moisture while you sleep.

Pamper your skin and yourself with a face mask 

Speaking of getting more hydration, face masks are such an overlooked product, yet an easy and great way of replenishing lost water to the skin. Of course it is key to use the right one. If you suspect your skin is drying up overnight, wear an overnight hydrating mask, like the GM Collin Phyto Stem Cell + Mask.

Spritz on a hydrating mist for a mid-day boost

In the moments where you wish to replenish your skin’s moisture, but don’t want to ruin your makeup, grab a facial spray for a quick midday pick-me-up. Our favourite pick is the Jane Iredale Pommist Hydration Spray,  It’s formulated with powerful antioxidants to protect your skin from free radicals, and gives skin an effortless boost in hydration over makeup.

Don’t forget to tackle the skin from the neck down, too

Guilty on spending all that time on your face, and forgetting about the rest of your body? Show them some TLC, too. Trust us, it only takes minutes and you won’t regret it! 

Make it a goal to show your neck and chest some love as well. When applying your serum and moisturizer, be sure to extend them past your jawline to help hydrate, and rejuvenate these areas, too.

Moisturize with creams and lotions containing alpha-hydroxy-acids (AHAs) like lactic acid and glycolic acid to encourage hydration and cell turnover. 

Before getting into bed, smooth on a moisturizing cream, then slip on a pair of gloves and socks then have a nice beauty zzz. In the morning, say hello to softer, more hydrated and younger looking skin on your hands and feet. 

Skip on the long baths and steamy showers

A toasty shower feels incredible - especially when it’s freezing outside. But long, hot showers can actually strip your skin of moisture, leaving dry and itchy. Instead, rinse off in lukewarm water and apply moisturizer when your skin is still damp.

Invest in a humidifier

This is especially a smart idea in the winter, when low moisture air can cause your skin to feel dry. Humidifiers can help to add moisture back into the air and help your skin retain hydration. If you live in a dry climate, it can be of benefit year-round. 

Pay attention to the seasons or your vacation location

Temperature and humidity changes can really affect the way your skin looks, feels and behaves. The moisturizer you use in the summer may not do the trick in the winter and vice versa. Winter can be particularly harsh as cold, low humidity air can cause skin to dry out and become itchy, cracked and irritated. Cold air also tightens pores, reduces circulation, and reduces sebum production. Low humidity, hot showers, and central heat also contribute to skin dehydration. In the cold season using a more nourishing, thicker cream or adding a hydrating serum to your regimen could help provide the much-needed hydration. But in the summer when it’s hot, humid and sticky outside, you may find that a lightweight lotion is all you need to help keep your skin happy. Additionally, you may even find it useful to use a moisturizer with a matte finish if you tend to look overly oily this time of year.