The importance of collagen for skin
About collagen
Collagen is the most abundant protein present in approximately 90% of cells in the body and provides skin, muscles, connective tissue, tendons, bones and cartilage with structural support aiding in tissue repair, cellular communication, migration, and even in your body’s immune response. It is responsible for the plumpness and firmness of our skin and the general health of our whole body.
There are currently known to be over 20 different kinds of collagen, but the most common in the human body is called Type 1.
In the absolute presence of vitamin C + zinc + copper our body is able to build collagen from amino acids (tiny building blocks that all proteins are made from), however with time collagen production + reparation slow down while existing ones break down at a faster rate. This means as we age, we gradually deplete our collagen storages.
Collagen loss
Studies show that after the age of 20, a person produces about 1 % less collagen in the skin each year. Over the first five years after menopause almost a third of skin collagen is lost. Beyond this, loss continues at a rate of about 2% per year.
Although this process, unfortunately, cannot be undone or reversed and it’s not the news you want to hear, I know, but knowing about the facts can make you able to act considering there are ways to slow down this effect and boost your skin health.
Slow down but how? Read along and if you have time visit my instagram page to see more posts regarding collagen banking and loss!
What causes loss of collagen?
However, the most common cause of collagen loss is chronological aging certain disease and your lifestyle can also lead to a loss of collagen. Considering the number one cause of skin damage isn’t lack of collagen, it’s sun exposure – which is part of lifestyle-, banking and/or replenishing collagen may not be able to undo years of sun damage.
The sun is the biggest enemy of healthy, firm skin. Every time you go outside or sit in a sunny area, you should wear sunscreen and sunglasses to protect your face. UV rays degrade collagen, causing the skin to age at hyper-speed. Being said, please make sure to wear sun protection every day throughout the year!
As collagen production and the production of quality collagen are greatly depending on our lifestyle choices you should avoid these as they are proven to hinder our collagen preservation:
Smoking: People who smoke cigarettes have more premature signs of aging due to weakened collagen and dry skin.
Alcohol in excess amount slows collagen production and limits the skin’s ability to repair itself.
Unhealthy eating habits, poor diet: Aside from aging, however, the top reason people don’t have enough collagen is poor diet. Your body can’t make collagen if it doesn’t have the necessary elements, namely amino acids, and the nutrients to process them. Processed and high glycemic index/sugary food cause glycation, which prevents collagen from fully interacting with your cells.
Going bed with makeup and dirty face
Signs of collagen loss?
Wrinkles, thinner + more fragile skin, sagging are clear signs of its decrease, but brittle nails and hair loss can be signs, too.
Treatment options to bank and repair your collagen
Collagen Induction Therapy (CIT) aka microneedling, mesoneedling, RF microneedling
Heat-based treatments like Laser, IPL, Radio frequency (RF)
More about collagen banking here.
More about Collagen Induction Therapy here.
Collagen Skin Care
Eltraderm Skin Care Products are driven by passion and rooted in science to deliver optimal skin health solutions for everyday use or post-procedure care.
The Company is well-known and awarded for revolutionizing the skin care industry with their Soluble Native Collagen, meaning advancing delivery and permeability of Marine Soluble Native Collagen into the skin, while sustaining it's deep hydration abilities. Their products are further enhanced with pro-collagen activators that promote your own collagen + elastin production.
Results speak for themselves! Skin treated with the Eltraderm Collagen undergoes an improvement in skin hydration, moisture-retention, resilience, skin density, texture, and clarity.
Real Clients + Real Results
Improving product penetration
Exfoliate off the dead skin that contributes to a dull complexion and get more out of your targeted actives. It also helps the rest of your products penetrate your skin better, allowing them to work more effectively.
Note: You may want to save this step for nighttime, especially if you choose to use photosensitizing acids as your means of exfoliation. Alpha (glycolic, lactic) and beta hydroxy acids (salicylic) by eliminating dead skin cells can also cause irritation leading to further transepidermal water loss (TEWL) and making you fresh skin more vulbnerable for environmental stress. Please check your skin! Should you notice tightness, very fine flaking, skip using them and just calm and hydrate your skin. And always remember to apply (and reapply) sunscreen as the last step of your morning skin-care routine.
A 2019 research review found that oral collagen – which means supplements such as pills and powders that are swallowed – can “increase skin elasticity, hydration and dermal collagen density”. It was also “promising” in terms of wound healing and skin ageing. Since, there have been further reviews reaching similar conclusions.
Although bone broth, cartilages, skin and tendinous meat are high in collagen, our body has difficulties to utilize this form of collagen fully. One of the reasons is that with aging absorption of nutrients from the gut declines because of the flattening of villi. After 40 years, the body needs protein of better quality that will absorb and will help the cells.
Supplements (capsules, tablets, powders) have the collagen in hydrolysed form meaning the collagen is broken down to small building blocks that can be utilized by our body easier.
Taking 2500mg daily can already give noticeable results like smoothening of fine lines and increasing the resilience and vitality of the skin. I always recommend to take collagen supplements together with minerals (zinc, copper) and vitamins (especially B-complex and C) for further support.
My favourites are the award-winning, innovative supplements from Advanced Nutrition Programme. Should you be interested in “Skinhealth from within”, email me, please.
Dr. Veronika L. Clinical Specialist with Dermatology background
To Sum it Up
Current evidence suggests that collagen supplements (particularly hydrolyzed forms of collagen), topical products and professional treatments, could help improve your skin’s appearance. But don’t rely on these to do all the work – eat a balanced diet, move your body and follow a healthy lifestyle for the best results!